About Me
I am proud of to be one of Islam Ummah & I wish come day when Muslims return to be the Nobles #$#of The Earth,so all ummah should work together to bring back our glory.#$#&About my thoughts I think each one should have dreams to live for them & each one should do his best to achieve what he want & that is why Allah created us to know him & to work in the earth.#$#So my friends all of us should have one dream at less to live for it & each of us should worth the value of life.#$#&remember that "where you wish you will be"if you want to reach to stars you will reach.But when you dream remember that Allah see you so be careful to not make him angry from you do.Let's supplicate Allah to help us in achieve our dreams & intend to do our best.believing that (ان الله لا يضيع اجر من احسن عملا)so let's start together.#$#& i wish to make real friendship in loving Allah & his prophet Mohamed.
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I made this video playlist at myflashfetish.com