About Me

..mY nAme:eRica roXas;
..20 yrs oLd..
..my frendZ uSed 2 cAll me ehca or eRich!!!
..i'm eAsily aMused
..i'm oNe oF a kind..hAha
..i'M moOdy at tYmz..
..fUn 2 b wId,,
..fRendly in a wAy that i wiL mkE u fiL sPexal..
..sUch a loving person!!
..i alwAys cry wEn i gOt hurt(cNu bAng hNd??)dAmN.
..I cRy moSt wEn thE one i lUv hUrt me!!
-sHit fOr thoSe hU wIL..
-tHinGs i lOveD tO dO:
pLaYinG bAdMiNtOn,
..pLaYing mY cAbaL..
.. anD txting.,.
(hAhA.. pSarAp bUhAy anG pRinsEsa..)
bitcheS, filingEras, aMbisyOsa,
bAckStubbers,haters, gRr wAteVer..
..i dOnt lyk pIpoL hU meSs uP w/ my business.
..MIND YOUR OWN pede??..
-i dOn't cAre iF u tEl sUmtin' bAd behind me.
..bUt i can be Ur wOrst enemy I can kiCk Ass..
..jUst aDd mE uP..
..my FS:
..and for
..my YM: cutie_erich1991