diS sTreEt iS to0 Cr0wded to0 maNy PeopLe HaVe sEcRetS .
tHer iS ConDenSatiOn oN tHe gLasS .
whO iS c0ncealEd iN tHe paSt ?
tHE emotion oN uR faCe iS ReStOriNg tHaT peRioD oF rAiN .
tHiS aLLeY iS to0 WarPeD wE caNt GeT bAcK iNt0 tHe sT0rY .
tHeSe dAyS aRe n0 LonGer GreEn m0tTLeD wiF a fEw WorDs aGaiN .
LeaVinG me BehiNd wiTh EmpTy Mem0riEs iN tHe Big H0usE .
thE sEatS iN tHe moVie TheaTrE aRe seParaTeD VerY fAr aParT .
feELinGs witHouT scEneS toGetHeR yOu'rE pLayiNg cHeSs wiF yOuRseLf .
sTiLL iTs t0o LatE 2 CarEfuLLy WriTe d0wn ThinGs abOuT u .
dEsCribiNg hOw i LovE u .
yEt u sMiLe aNd LeaVe mE .
THIS feELinGs iS aLreaDy n0t ryTe .
i TRY my BesT t0 saVe iT .
s0me oF tHe coNsideRAtE feeLiNGs tHat ShouLd aVe beEn giVen .
i diDnT giVe .
u PouR tHE dReaM u MadE iS vErY peTty n LoW .
we'rE coMpr0MisiNg .
i nEgLectEd u .
aLL u wAntEd iS s0me0nE t0 b wiF u .
i oNLy uNdErsTanD aT thE veRY eNd .
tHe paGes oF tHe pL0t i caN't baRe t0 tuRn 0veR .
u aRe vEry tiRed .
u reCitE .
u CrieD f0r mE a Few TymeS . you'rE s0 LangUishEd aNd i'M heArtBr0keN,yOU're sUfFeriNg . y0uR beAutY . i'm n0t W0rtHy oF iT !

Myspace I Love You Graphics