Think where man's glory mostbegins and ends, and say myglory was I had such friends.
hello how are you Katy???

Night doesnt become beautiful with star studded sky & full moon,It becomes beautiful when u go to sleep and let stars & moon admire ur innocence..Good night.
We’re not too close in distance.
We’re not too near in miles.
But text can still touch our hearts
and thoughts can bring us smiles.
Good morning friend!
Heart is like a crystal- preserve it,
love is like a perfume- spread it,
feelings are like flood- let it flow,
friendship is like an umbrella- come lets share it
Life never seems to be the way we want it,
but we live it the best way we can.There is no
perfect life, but we can fill it with perfect
Moments...Good morning!
F-ull of dreams
R-eady 4 adventure
I-nstinctively happy
E-njoying the sweetness of life
N-ever giving up
D-ancing to a different drum.
Friendship is vast like Universe, deep like Ocean, high like Sky, strong like Iron, kind like Mother, cute like Me, and sweet like U!
Life never seems to be the way we want it,
but we live it the best way we can.There is no
perfect life, but we can fill it with perfect
Moments...Good morning!

they were all crying

just me and u were laughing
The Most Sweetest Relation In World Is pillow
Bcoz Wen U R Tired U Relax On It.
Wen U R Sad U Drop Tears On It.
Wen U R Angry U Punch It.
Wen U R Happy U Hug It
Now That Pillow Is Waiting 4 U
..So Go To Bed
Lovely Nite..;-:-*
Lovable Dreamzzz.
Good Night. |
Life is full of beautiful things : soft sunset,pointed Rainbow, dedicate blossoms,love & laughter ,Quiet moments & fantastic people like U & ME.
gOOd mOrning
Sun is setting, moon is coming on the sky & the little stars shining so bright to say good night. Let the little stars convey your best wishes of night to your friends and loved ones through good night SMS, sweet dreams