Hi cute girl katy. How r u? Do u have whatsapp?
Beauty doesn't make love
but love makes beauty
break everything
but never break the heart
Heart is the music play it
butnever play with it.
Good Morning !
8tips to be happy:
1-Never be late
2-Dont cheat
3-Live simple
4-Except little
5-Work more
6-Alwayss smile
7-Have faith in God
Never lose hope !
Add me on Nimbuzz: Directionerkaty ;)

A friendship was meant to always last,
Not something that would end fast.
You for me, and me for you,
When times get rough...we'd help each other through.
We confide in each other,
Not dare tell another.
Parent trouble, boys, you name it...we'll say it!
No subject's too small to be discussed,
And spreading gossip is a must!
When you're feeling down and out,
There's no need to pout.
Just call on me, and there's where I'll be...
Waiting and listening to every word being said, why?
Well, because I'm your friend!
A friend to you is all I will ever be, but I'll always secretly wish the way you want her would be the way you want me.
Wen d night comes, Luk at the sky
If u c a falling star, Dont wonder y.
Jst make a wish, Trst me, It’ll come true
Coz I did n I found u…
G’night… sweeet dreams
Written with a pen.
Sealed with a kiss.
If you are my friend,
Please answer this:
Are we friends
Or are we not?
You told me once
But I forgot.
So tell me now
And tell me true
So I can say....
I'm here for you.
Of all the friends
I've ever met,
You're the one
I won't forget.
And if I die
Before you do,
I'll go to heaven
And wait for you.
I'll give the angel
Back their wings
And risk the loss
Of everything,
just to prove my
friendship is true..
to have a friend like you!
Get up from ur soft soft bed
Open ur teeny weeny eyes.
Wear that jolly wolly smile
& say to urself
a Gud morning from my side.
Hav a great day!